
William Gets a New Lease on Life with a Hand Up From Goodwill

William faced many challenges in his life. For four long years, he lived in a trailer that was not a safe or happy place to be. The trailer had no working toilet, no shower, no sink, and no stove. It was surrounded by insects, and there was no proper heating or cooling. William’s health suffered greatly because of these conditions.

William needed medical treatment to stay healthy. But it was always hard for him to get the treatment he needed because of where he lived. He didn’t even have a working fridge to store food properly.

A man wearing a red Hawaiian shirt is leaning against a building wall and smiling at the camera.

A Beacon of Hope

But then, something wonderful happened. William found help at Goodwill. Goodwill helped him find a new home where he could be safe and warm. And he got help with applying for benefits like low-income housing and section 8 help.

Finding Home

Now William has his own apartment, and he couldn’t be happier. He has heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. His new home is clean and comfortable, with two working bathrooms and no electrical issues. He even has a fridge to store his food.

A New Chapter

Most importantly, William is getting the medical care he needs to stay healthy. He is surrounded by caring people who support him every step of the way.

Health and Happiness Restored

Without Goodwill, William doesn’t know where he would be today. Now he’s happy, making friends with his neighbors, and even dating. “I believe that without Goodwill, I would not have survived, and I would not be among the living today. Goodwill saved my life and gave me hope, a measure of stability and that is something I am forever grateful for.” With Goodwill’s help, William’s life has been transformed, and he has the chance at a new beginning.

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