
Supportive Services
for Veteran

SSVF helps eligible low-income veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless get safe, stable housing.

SSVF may be able to help with:
  • Deposits and rental application fees
  • Rent
  • Housing searches
  • Applications for benefits you may qualify for and other services you may need
People that may qualify:
  • Must have
    • Served at least one day of active service in the US Military or
    • Served in the US Military or US Reserves and were federally activated
  • Must be living on a limited income
  • Must:
    • Be homeless or
    • Have an eviction or termination of lease
Where is this available?
In Washington:

Spokane County

Stevens County

Lincoln County

Ferry County

Pend Oreille County

Whitman County

In Idaho:

Kootenai County

Shoshone County

Benewah County

Bonner County

Latah County

A woman wearing a red shirt and glasses resting on the top of her hair is sitting at a counter in a modest apartment kitchen and smiles at the camera.

How do I get this help?

Additional Resources for Veterans

Visit our SSVF Offices

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