

A woman is sitting at a table and putting something on a clear plastic hanger.

From Disaster to New Hope: Goodwill’s Support for Emma

Emma has been an important part of our team at the Coeur d’Alene Goodwill store for eleven years. She is employed through Goodwill’s Extended Employment Program. This program helps people who need support with on-the-job skills and training. A Sudden Setback: Emma Faces Homelessness In 2023, Emma faced a big challenge. Her apartment flooded and

From Disaster to New Hope: Goodwill’s Support for Emma Read More »

Three small American flags are in focus in the foreground with an out of focus gradient in the background. This image is for decoration.

Empowering Triumph: Ray’s Ride to Success with Goodwill’s Help

After being forced into early retirement due to health concerns, Ray had to close his business and struggled financially. Living off his Social Security wasn’t enough to comfortably live. Goodwill’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families program helped Ray into stable housing and helped him gain more of his veteran benefits. Read his success story and learn how Goodwill can help you, too.

Empowering Triumph: Ray’s Ride to Success with Goodwill’s Help Read More »

A long-haired, bearded man with glasses is holding up a Google Data Analytics certificate.

Google Digital Career Accelerator: New Opportunities at Goodwill

Meet Dan, a dedicated member of Goodwill’s Retail Operations Team. He wanted to do more for his team and grow as an individual. So, he started his journey to develop his skills and knowledge. He discovered the Digital Literacy program and found something that sparked his interest. He learned about The Google Digital Career Accelerator

Google Digital Career Accelerator: New Opportunities at Goodwill Read More »

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