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Shad finds a job with help from Goodwill

Shad came to Goodwill because he needed help finding a job. Employers were hesitant to hire Shad because of his disabilities. 

Shad bags groceries at the Cheney Safeway

Goodwill helped Shad get a food handler’s permit, build a resume, and seek work. Shad used Goodwill staff to practice interviewing before landing a job at the Cheney Safeway in November 2015.  

Shad works 16 hours a week as a courtesy clerk, bagging groceries and helping customers and other employees throughout the store.  

Stacey Young, front end manager, has worked with Shad for more than five years and watched him grow personally over the years. “Shad started working here just before I did. He is shy, but over the years he has opened up more,” Stacey said. “He now talks about himself more and says, ‘Have a nice day!’ to every customer.” 

Shad has confidence, a friendly matter, and always has a smile. Stacey said, “He is wonderful. He is really attentive to customers and cashiers. When he opens up, he just loves talking to people.”  

More than just a helpful and friendly face, Shad is a hard worker. Stacey appreciates his work ethic. “He is meticulous about getting things done and he follows through.” 

Shad’s job has given him a true sense of independence. He rides the bus to and from work. He likes to use his money to buy video games, go to concerts, and attend family reunions in South Dakota. On his days off, he has taken part in Special Olympics. 

When Governor Jay Inslee called for a stay-at-home order for the state of Washington in March, Shad’s family was concerned for his health. Shad was a frontline worker in an essential industry at Safeway. But his family worried that he might be infected with the COVID virus. So, Shad agreed to isolate at home. It didn’t take long for Shad to miss his job. He eagerly returned to Safeway after just a couple weeks, ready to work.  

“We missed him while he was gone,” said Stacey. “He is part of the team, and he is such a good person to be around.”  

Shad’s coworkers enjoy having him on their team. They speak highly of him and missed him while he was gone. Now that he has returned, he is all smiles. He makes conversation and is very obviously thrilled to be back.  

Shad finds a job.
May 2020: Shad works to renew his food handlers permit at the Goodwill Career and Resource Center.

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