How donations help.
When we sell the stuff you donate, that money helps fund Goodwill programs in eastern Washington and north Idaho. Our programs help people in need live, work, learn, manage their money and connect to needed resources.
When you donate and shop at Goodwill, you help us change lives. That’s what we call The Cycle for Good.
You can also donate money, cars/boats/RVs, or make a planned gift.
I need a donation receipt.
Enter your email and select the Goodwill location you donated at, and we’ll send you a donation receipt to claim your tax deductions!
What can I donate?
Do donate
- Housewares: dishes, glassware, utensils, lamps, small appliances.
- Collectibles: antiques, knickknacks and other giftware.
- Domestics: Clothing, shoes and boots, jewelry, hats, gloves, mittens scarves, linens, curtains, blankets, games, toys, books, and sports equipment etc.
- Electronics: Stereos, radios, VCRs, DVD players, televisions, computers, laptops, monitors, e-readers, records, compact disks, video tapes, DVDs, hand tools, and power tools etc.
- Furniture: dressers, tables, chairs, bed frames (except waterbed frames), etc.
- Other large items.
Do NOT donate
- Upholstered Furniture: (i.e. couches, reclining chairs, padded chairs)
- Household chemical products: No pesticides, paint, paint thinner, drain cleaner, or other waste products.
- Hazardous Automotive Waste: No tires, lead acid batteries, additives, gasoline, oils, antifreeze, etc.
- Large Appliances: No refrigerators, freezers, stoves/ovens, washers/dryers, water heaters, etc.
- Household: No mattresses/box springs, including waterbed mattresses, waterbed bladders, and waterbed frames. No sofa beds or hospital beds. No pianos or organs. No used plumbing fixtures or used building materials.
- Dangerous Items: No firearms or explosive materials. No cribs, car seats, walkers or other products that do not meet the standards of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
- Wet or soiled clothing.
Other Ways to Donate
Goodwill is a nonprofit 501 c3 organization #91-0597006
Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest
130 E. Third Avenue Spokane, WA 99202