What's Good?
We’d like to tell you.
The answer is career resources! Goodwill offers a variety of free tools to help you on your way to getting a better job.
Goodwill offers free one-on-one help for those who may not have access to a computer, the internet, computer programs, or who don’t know where or how to start searching for and applying for jobs. Goodwill has a wealth of resources, both in-person and online, for those who need it.
On July 6, 2022, our next “What’s Good, Goodwill?” podcast will feature James Baker and Arielle Jones.

James helps people in the Career Resource Center at the downtown Spokane Goodwill offices. The Career Resource Center gives people access to computers and the internet. People can use computers to build resumes, look for work, and apply for jobs and housing. James is a resource guide.

Arielle is a digital navigator at the downtown Spokane Goodwill. She is on a team that helps people without computers find a computer. They also help people without internet connect with affordable internet services.
Arielle encourages people to take digital skills classes, which are offered at the downtown Spokane, Colville, and Moses Lake locations. These digital skills classes help people learn new things that they can use to find a better job.
Arielle is excited that people are becoming more aware that everyone needs digital access, but not everyone has access to computers or the internet:
“People are finally realizing that [digital access] is a need and a basic human right. As we become more digitally connected, there are people who are missing out … Because they don’t [know how to] get online, they don’t know how to connect with all the different [services] that are available.”