2021 Independence Award Winner: Jerry

Jerry with District Manager Bill Harris. Jerry has worked at the downtown Goodwill for over 37 years.

In Jerry’s 37 years at Goodwill, he has impressed coworkers with the pride he takes in his work. He shows incredible attention to detail. This includes waxing clothing racks, removing empty hangers, and adjusting items that are out of place to improve every customer’s experience.

During his breaks, Jerry checks in on all his buddies. He loves to talk with other employees. They describe him as great, cheerful, and open to whatever is asked of him. His sharp memory helps him remember the smallest details in a conversation, no matter how much time has passed.

Jerry loves to get in the spirit of Goodwill events. Every year, he faithfully dresses up for Goodwill’s Halloween party.

Jerry is a great fan of music and an even bigger fan of Justin Bieber. He always shares his wealth of musical knowledge with his friends.

One of his team members said, “I can’t imagine this place without him.”

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