Francis changes his life, finds housing with support from Goodwill

Life was difficult for Francis. He woke up every morning wondering how he was going to get through the day. He said he had no sense of purpose or light at the end of the tunnel.

He wanted to change his life but didn’t know how. He was an alcoholic and hated it. He was surrounded by it every day and couldn’t break free.

He had initially connected with Goodwill through the Hope Works program. Hope Works was a Spokane area collaboration of businesses and city government that gave people an opportunity to do community service. After a morning of working with a team run by Goodwill case managers, they would be shuttled to Goodwill. At Goodwill, they would get connected to community resources and receive gift cards as a thank you for their hard work.

Goodwill connected Francis with DSHS’ Housing and Essential Needs program (HEN). Francis still felt stuck in his lifestyle and wasn’t ready to accept the help.

A couple months later, Francis hit bottom and put himself into treatment. He contacted Goodwill, who connected him to HEN and Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners (SNAP).

“With a little direction from Goodwill and SNAP, I got the direction I needed to get out of the bleak life that I was in,” Francis said.

He received a permanent supportive housing referral, which got him into an apartment, and additional essential needs supports from HEN and a move-in kit from Wells Fargo.

“I’ve found a place … and it [has] taken a lot of weight off my shoulders. Having a stable place to stay and a sober living environment has been the building block that I needed to get a good start at life this time around … I was an alcoholic and hated it but couldn’t break the habit when I was surrounded by it every day. Now that I’m away from it, life has been so much easier. I couldn’t [have] done it without [my case manager] and Goodwill.”

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