
Jimmy finds more than he hoped for in Post Falls

Veteran housing search a success with help from Goodwill’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program

In 2020, Jimmy was renting a room from some people, but the property manager didn’t know that Jimmy was living there. Because Jimmy was not on the lease, the manager asked him to move out. With no money and support network in the area, Jimmy lived in his car for a while, and then at the St. Vincent de Paul shelter.
Jimmy got enrolled in Goodwill’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program. He worked very hard in his search for housing. Sometimes, Jimmy struggles with mobility, but he worked with SSVF staff to find a unit that would work for him. During his housing search SSVF gave Jimmy emergency groceries and a hotel room to make sure he had a safe place to stay.
Shortly after he joined the program, Jimmy found an apartment in Post Falls. It was more than he hoped for, and he was so excited that he got it. The property owner reported that Jimmy is the ideal tenant and has asked for more referrals like him.
Jimmy began working with Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) to apply for a HUD-VASH voucher, which would help with a large portion of his rent on an ongoing basis. His application was approved, and Jimmy started getting that help with his rent in April 2021. He now has a monthly income, VA medical insurance, and long-term rental aid.
Jimmy and his case manager also went to Newby-Ginnings, where he found furniture for his new home. He was very happy.
Jimmy is enjoying his new apartment and is very glad he came to Goodwill. He looks for opportunities to help other Veterans who are in similar situations to the one he was in.
“Without your program, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would still be on the streets without hope. You and your team helped me get to where I am today. I am so thankful for everything,” he said.

concrete arched bridge crossing Spokane river in western Idaho

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