Lorri gets her comfort back thanks to Goodwill

A woman wearing a red shirt and glasses resting on the top of her hair is sitting at a counter in a modest apartment kitchen and smiles at the camera.
Lorri, smiling in her new apartment.

Lorri was comfortable, living in an apartment that she liked. She worked full-time. But due to several medical concerns, her employer let her go. She had a modest fixed income and was comfortable.

She didn’t think anything would disturb her comfort. Then her rent increased by hundreds of dollars. Her home became unaffordable. She felt trapped and didn’t know where to go for help.

Seeking help through the hiccups

Lorri felt hopeless. But she stayed determined. Goodwill’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program helped her. Lorri received rent support and help with her retirement income. This prevented her from becoming homeless. SSVF continued to search for more affordable housing options.

Persevering for a home

Together, Lorri and SSVF found a one-bedroom apartment in an area that she loved and felt safe in. Then, Lorri got a housing choice voucher that will ensure her rent is affordable. With that peace of mind, Lorri has settled into her apartment and has decorated it to make it a home.

A woman wearing a red shirt and glasses resting on the top of her hair is sitting on a couch in an apartment living room.
Lorri, relaxing in her new home.

Reward with peace of mind

She has made friends with her neighbors. She visits them often, sharing meals and cooking for each other. Lorri is happy to have a home in a peaceful neighborhood. She spends her mornings relaxing in her pajamas and taking in the peace and quiet.

During a time that felt sudden, scary, and dreadful, SSVF was there to help. Lorri is grateful for the program and the people who helped get her comfort back.

Do you know a veteran who could use help from Goodwill? Fill out a program form here.

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