Antonio’s Second Chance with Goodwill’s Support

Struggling on the Streets

Antonio was having a really tough time. He was homeless and living on the streets, struggling with addiction. Every day was a battle just to find enough to eat and feed his addiction. But deep down, Antonio was tired of living this way. He knew he needed help to change his life.

A Determined Decision

So, Antonio decided to enroll in a rehabilitation program. It wasn’t easy, but he was determined to better manage his recovery. While he was working hard to stay clean, Goodwill stepped in to help him even more. Antonio got a second chance through Goodwill’s Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) program.

A man is standing in a facility, wearing glasses and smiling at the camera.

Support from Goodwill’s HEN Program

The HEN program was a lifesaver for Antonio. They provided rental assistance so he could live in a clean and sober Oxford House. This safe place gave him the stability he needed. HEN also helped Antonio with bus passes so he could get to appointments to take care of his health. This made sure he could stay healthy and strong.

Building Confidence

But that wasn’t all. HEN also helped Antonio buy new clothes. Having clean, new clothes boosted his confidence and self-esteem. It made him feel good about himself again.

Achieving Stable Housing

Antonio’s case manager was a huge support, too. They helped him apply for a Section 8 housing voucher, which led to stable housing. They even covered the application fees, making the whole process easier for Antonio.

Gratitude and New Beginnings

Antonio is grateful for the help he got from Goodwill. He says that without their support, he wouldn’t have had the push he needed to get back on his feet. He’s especially thankful that his case manager was always honest and supportive, never giving him false hope.

Today, Antonio is on a better path and says he couldn’t have done it without help from Goodwill. He hopes to gain a platform where he can start a podcast called “To Whom It May Concern” that will help people struggling with homelessness.

Discover more about the Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) program here.

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