
How Goodwill Helped Shane Overcome Addiction and Reclaim His Life

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Shane had a difficult time throughout his life, moving from state to state and struggling with substance abuse. He struggled with substance abuse for a long time. Then one day, he decided to make the jump and begin his recovery.

A Path to Recovery

Shane found a place to live in a recovery housing program, called The Oxford House. The Oxford House program is a group of recovery homes. The residents take turns serving as leaders in the home, and each pays an equal share of the house expenses. This helps them learn a clean and sober way of life with no time limits on their stay.

Goodwill’s Foundational Community Supports Program

But Shane struggled to keep up with paying the rent. And that’s when he connected with Goodwill’s Foundational Community Supports (FCS) program. Goodwill’s FCS program helps people who have extreme problems finding stable housing and employment. The FCS team helps people connect with property managers and employers in the community. By addressing housing needs, Goodwill makes sure that people in their program have a solid foundation to work on their recovery goals.

Getting Back on Track: How Goodwill Helped Shane

So, the FCS program helped Shane get caught up on his past-due rent. This allowed him to remain in the recovery housing and support his sobriety. And Goodwill also helped him with all the right steps to get his driver’s license, which led him to buy himself a car.

The Importance of Support in Recovery

Since getting help from Goodwill, Shane feels like life is more manageable. Things aren’t so stressful and are finally falling into place. Life seems much easier, and as time goes by, more opportunities seem to present themselves. He said it feels like the possibilities are endless. Shane has found peace of mind since getting support from Goodwill.

Without Goodwill’s help, Shane said, “I would be homeless and more than likely would have relapsed. My life would be hopeless, uncertain, and back to surviving, not living. It would be hard and scary. I definitely wouldn’t be hitting my nine months clean and sober without Goodwill’s help.” Shane’s story shows how crucial it is to have support during recovery. Goodwill offers a safety net for those who need it, helping them regain control of their lives and support their sobriety. With the right support, recovery is possible, and the possibilities truly are endless.

Do you need support? See how Goodwill can help you.

Shane’s Continued Success with Goodwill’s Help

Since getting housing support, Shane’s new goals were to find stable employment and focus on his health. Knowing he could turn to Goodwill for help, he reached out again.

Guided to a Better Path

Goodwill’s FCS team stepped in to help Shane find employment. They listened to his needs and gave him the crucial support he needed.

Shane’s case manager helped him find employment and supported him in getting hearing aids to improve his quality of life. Thanks to Goodwill’s help, Shane found a renewed sense of hope and confidence. No longer stressed about job searching or housing stability, he felt reassured knowing he has a supportive team behind him to help navigate any challenges.

A Brighter Future with Goodwill

Shane’s life is now looking much brighter. He feels more confident and no longer fears the obstacles he once faced. Shane said, “Thanks to Goodwill, my life is falling into place, and I’m excited about my future.”

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