TJ and Lori Gained Skills, Found Jobs, and Rebuilt Their Lives


When TJ and Lori came to Goodwill, they were overwhelmed with stress. They worried about unpaid bills, rent, and their future. But in the summer of 2019, with help from Goodwill’s Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) Program, TJ finally felt a sense of relief. “I didn’t have to worry about being homeless,” he said.

Life was hard for TJ and Lori before they found Goodwill. Lori was self-employed, but her income wasn’t stable. And she wasn’t always paid for her work. TJ managed an apartment complex, but his job didn’t pay enough to meet his needs.

“I was working for a private business owner, and for at least my last three months, I wasn’t paid,” Lori said. “The money was supposed to carry me through until I got a job.” She tried everything she could, like doing paid online surveys and donating plasma, just to afford rent and her phone bill.

Things started to improve when they met their HEN case manager, Laura helped them get housing support from HEN. “It was a huge relief,” TJ said. “There was more security because of the financial help from HEN.”

Along with this support, TJ got help with his resume and found a job at Sculptures, where he learned new skills like running a cash register and online sales. Lori had a harder time though. She spent 10 months applying to over 100 jobs, dealing with rejection after rejection. Finally, her persistence paid off when she got a job at Goodwill. She also got two more job offers!

Today, Lori thrives in her job at Goodwill and she is excited about her future. TJ still works with Goodwill services to keep improving his life.

TJ is working with Goodwill’s Career and Resource Center Specialist, James, to apply for things like insurance, food assistance, and energy bill discounts. James and TJ are also talking about ways TJ and Lori can save money. James said, “TJ seems excited to be taking charge of his life, finances, and just yesterday, he and Lori were chatting about holiday ideas and making plans for fun activities they seem to enjoy together.”

Before he came to the Career Resource Center, TJ had very little experience with a computer. So at first he would look over James’ shoulder while he helped TJ apply for things. With time, TJ got more confident, and now James looks over TJ’s shoulder while he does all the work himself.

For TJ and Lori, Goodwill didn’t just help them financially. The HEN Program and Career and Resource Center gave them confidence, stability, and the tools to rebuild their lives. Their story shows us how a hand up can truly help change lives and build stronger communities.

Learn more about Goodwill’s Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) program here. 

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