hand up

A hand reaching up with trees in the background.

Goodwill Guides Meghann’s Life From Cold and Chaotic to Warm and Welcoming

Meghann struggled with homelessness and stayed in a shelter. It was cold, hectic, and not a great place to be. But it was better than being out on the streets. Meghann felt stuck, not knowing how to make things better. She couldn’t find a place to live that she could afford. She really needed some […]

Goodwill Guides Meghann’s Life From Cold and Chaotic to Warm and Welcoming Read More »

A glass door with the words "Goodwill Workforce & Family Services" in white.

A new job and confidence for Janet with Goodwill’s help

https://youtu.be/cUl536Zl30g Janet needed a job. She struggled to keep one for very long. Her confidence and self-worth dropped. And her interactions with other people changed. She needed encouragement. But she didn’t know where to find it. Then, someone told her about the employment services that Goodwill offers. Janet learned that there is an employment program

A new job and confidence for Janet with Goodwill’s help Read More »

A welcome mat hat reads "home sweet home" rests on hardwood floor with boxes and a pair of sneakers nearby.

Chaay recovers her life and becomes a role model for others with a little help from Goodwill

Chaay lived in pure chaos. She struggled with substance abuse, mental health concerns, and homelessness. She spent many nights not knowing if she would have a safe place to rest her head. Chaay wasn’t happy with where she was in life and where her life was going. She was tired of living in the same

Chaay recovers her life and becomes a role model for others with a little help from Goodwill Read More »

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