

A woman is sitting at a table and putting something on a clear plastic hanger.

From Disaster to New Hope: Goodwill’s Support for Emma

Emma has been an important part of our team at the Coeur d’Alene Goodwill store for eleven years. She is employed through Goodwill’s Extended Employment Program. This program helps people who need support with on-the-job skills and training. A Sudden Setback: Emma Faces Homelessness In 2023, Emma faced a big challenge. Her apartment flooded and

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Three small American flags are in focus in the foreground with an out of focus gradient in the background. This image is for decoration.

Empowering Triumph: Ray’s Ride to Success with Goodwill’s Help

After being forced into early retirement due to health concerns, Ray had to close his business and struggled financially. Living off his Social Security wasn’t enough to comfortably live. Goodwill’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families program helped Ray into stable housing and helped him gain more of his veteran benefits. Read his success story and learn how Goodwill can help you, too.

Empowering Triumph: Ray’s Ride to Success with Goodwill’s Help Read More »

Brian’s Journey To Finding Housing Stability With Goodwill’s Support

Veteran homelessness is an issue that plagues our society, leaving those who have served our country without stable housing. But stories like Brian’s remind us of the power of organizations like Goodwill in making a difference. Discover how together, we can help change the lives of veterans who face the harsh reality of homelessness. Brian

Brian’s Journey To Finding Housing Stability With Goodwill’s Support Read More »

Reaching Goals with Goodwill’s Help: Johanna’s Success Story

Looking for job opportunities in Moscow, Idaho? Read Johanna’s story on how Goodwill’s Workforce & Family Services helped her gain independence through their Medicaid Supported Employment program. With job coaching, skill-building, and a welcoming community, Johanna gained confidence and landed a job she enjoys. Learn how Goodwill can help you too.

Reaching Goals with Goodwill’s Help: Johanna’s Success Story Read More »

Empowering Independence: Kioana’s Journey to Self-Sufficiency with Goodwill’s Support

Kioana spent a year living in a shelter. She struggled to take care of herself. It was her first time living on her own. And she wasn’t prepared to take on all the personal responsibilities that she needed. So, she moved into an assisted living facility. Here, she got help with managing things like her

Empowering Independence: Kioana’s Journey to Self-Sufficiency with Goodwill’s Support Read More »

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