
Alicia Irino

Digital Learning

Life is easier for Leanna with Goodwill in her corner

Leanna struggled with homelessness until she got help from Goodwill’s Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) program. She was so thankful for Goodwill’s help getting her into stable housing. She felt like her life was heading in a better direction and she wanted to take advantage of this new opportunity. She was inspired to enroll back […]

Life is easier for Leanna with Goodwill in her corner Read More »

A man wearing a knitted cap and glasses is looking at the camera. He is outside during a gray, overcast day.

Things come full circle for Kevin with Goodwill’s help

For years, Kevin was homeless. He lived in his van in a parking lot near a friend’s house. The van was operational, but he couldn’t legally drive it. Kevin’s driver’s license was void because of a medical condition that causes unpredictable seizures. It was too dangerous for him to drive, not knowing when a seizure

Things come full circle for Kevin with Goodwill’s help Read More »

two women are at a desk with a laptop open in front of them. They are smiling at the camera.

Sophia finds support for her passion from Goodwill’s Connect program

Sophia was writing a book. It was hard for her to make progress at an efficient pace because her computer wasn’t reliable. She had many technical issues with it. She didn’t want to give up writing. But she struggled to find the patience she needed to work on her beat-up laptop. What she really needed

Sophia finds support for her passion from Goodwill’s Connect program Read More »

A group of square beads with letters on them are lined together and spell out the word "independence".

Lindsey is more confident, independent, secure and self-sufficient thanks to Goodwill’s help

Lindsey needed support in most areas of her life. She needed help with making and keeping appointments, completing paperwork, and communicating with others. She didn’t do many things on her own. And she longed to gain more independence. She wanted a job to gain work and social skills. And she thought getting a job would

Lindsey is more confident, independent, secure and self-sufficient thanks to Goodwill’s help Read More »

A Google Chromebook sits on a table with the screen black.

Tyler gains communication skills and connects to the digital world with Goodwill’s help

Tyler found communicating difficult. It wasn’t easy for him to talk to people face-to-face. He thought if he could communicate digitally, it wouldn’t be such a struggle. But he didn’t have a computer or internet connection. In addition to wanting to communicate with people, Tyler also wanted to get a job. He thought that would

Tyler gains communication skills and connects to the digital world with Goodwill’s help Read More »

The Goodwill Connect program helps Dorita get connected to the digital world

Dorita struggles with her vision. Pages, signs, and screens were difficult for her to see. Because of these issues, she stopped going to college. She felt discouraged to continue because the text was so hard for her to read. She didn’t know what support she could get. The time came when she needed the internet.

The Goodwill Connect program helps Dorita get connected to the digital world Read More »

Lori gains computer skills and confidence thanks to the Goodwill Connect program

Lori had trouble with technology. She did not understand how to work the many types of devices available today. And she struggled to understand the operating systems that are always advancing and changing. She searched for help for over eight months with no luck. Discovering support Then she heard about services offered through the Goodwill

Lori gains computer skills and confidence thanks to the Goodwill Connect program Read More »

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