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An elderly man wearing a long sleeved plaid button up shirt and thick dark rimmed glasses stands on an outdoor balcony and smiles at the camera. Programs
Goodwill helps John manage his freedom
John spent 25 years in prison. It was bittersweet when he got released in August ...
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A woman wearing a red shirt and glasses resting on the top of her hair is sitting at a counter in a modest apartment kitchen and smiles at the camera. Programs
Lorri gets her comfort back thanks to Goodwill
Lorri was comfortable, living in an apartment that she liked. She worked full-time. But due ...
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News & Events
Goodwill Neighbor Days July 22 & 23
Goodwill has been helping people in our community for more than 80 years. On July ...
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A building with the words "Workforce and Family Services" and a smiling "G" Goodwill logo on the top front. The building is against a light blue sky background. Programs
Goodwill’s HEN program helps Elmer off the street and in a home
After prison, Elmer lived on the streets for five or six years. He struggled to ...
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A man is standing on a porch, holding a coffee cup and looking and smiling at the camera. Programs
Goodwill’s SSVF program finds Terry a home
For more than 30 years, Terry battled homelessness. He was a drifter and loved life ...
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News & Events
Podcast Episode 2: Goodwill Digital Connections
What’s Good? We’d like to tell you. The answer is career resources! Goodwill offers a ...
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A woman holds a small dog and stands in a modest kitchen. Programs
Goodwill helps Trina find a place she can call home
Trina worried about living in a small house with four adult family members. The space ...
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Goodwill helps Dean gain stronger communication skills
Dean struggles with health issues. He has limited language abilities. It was difficult for him ...
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A man wearing a blue work vest with the word "Goodwill" on it, stands with his left hand gripping a textiles rack with empty hangers on it. He is smiling. Programs
Drew gains stability by getting a job at Goodwill
Before coming to Goodwill, Drew’s life was carefree and careless, but he needed more. He ...
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A woman wearing a blue Goodwill vest is standing next to a shelf of donated goods, smiling at the camera. Programs
Keely overcomes barriers and builds work experience
  Keely had little work experience. She needs a walker and has trouble reaching and ...
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News & Events
Podcast: What’s Good with the Housing and Essential Needs Program (HEN)?
How does HEN help people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? Listen ...
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News & Events
Goodwill breaks ground at Airway Heights Facility
Goodwill and Baker Construction broke ground on May 31 at the site of the new ...
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Goodwill helps Thomas realize his dream at Krispy Kreme
Thomas has a disability that makes communicating difficult. Conversation isn’t easy for him. And business ...
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A woman in a red shirt stands in front of a patterned wall, holding a glass transparent award. Programs
Goodwill’s 2021 Graduate of the Year: Phyllis
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Phyllis worked for MOD Pizza in Lewiston with a job coach. ...
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News & Events
New Podcast Coming June 1
We can all use more good in our lives, can’t we? Goodwill Industries of the ...
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A man wearing a mask and a blue shirt holds a glass award. Programs
Goodwill’s 2021 Independence Award Winner: Ben
Ben has a ton of heart, incredible focus, and a passion to grow and meet ...
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Moscow Facility. News & Events
New changes underway at Moscow Goodwill Store
We're fixing things up, but we're open all week. Come and see us!
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Goodwill’s Foundational Community Support program encourages mom
Yvonne and her seven kids were escaping domestic violence and abuse. They tried finding shelter at ...
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Post Falls road construction means more savings for you!
From Monday, April 18 to Monday, May 2, shoppers will need to take a different ...
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2021 Independence Award Winner: Toby
Toby finds the good in every moment and moves forward through hard ones. If he ...
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